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Courses and initiations

Introduction to the Japanese language

Do you want to discover Japanese?

Go for an introduction to the Japanese language.

Introduction to Japanese culture

Are you curious about this fascinating culture?

Go for an introduction to Japanese culture, either in English or French.

Japanese lessons

Do you want...

° To improve your level?

° To review some grammar points?

° To prepare for exams?

° Some learning support?

You are in the right place.

Conversation table

Do you want to practice what you have learned? Improve your oral fluency and speak like real Japanese do.

Introduction to Japanese

Japanese is a fascinating language that is both beautiful and complex, and immersing yourself in it on your own can be overwhelming.
Rest assured: in a few hours, we will discover together the main grammatical principles of Japanese, thereby allowing you, very quickly, for simple communication.
This introduction is also perfect for those who wish to begin a more advanced study of Japanese in the long term.

Initiation culture

Introduction to Japanese culture

Today, Japanese culture is everywhere around us through manga, anime and Japanese music. However, Westerners often struggle to truly understand the Japanese way of thinking.

This introduction will allow you to better understand some key concepts at the heart of Japanese culture. You may have already heard of honne and tatemae , soto and uchi ... They will become crystal-clear to you.

Initiation jap

Japanese lessons

Through this course intended for people with some notions of Japanese, we will... 
° Revise together grammar points that you would like to work on.
° Practice what you saw during class.
° Focus on your homework.
° On a more formal level, prepare for the levels 5, 4 and 3 of the JLPT exam, with the official Nihongo So-Matome preparation books.

Conversation table

As a natural complement to learning grammar, we will enjoy discussing, in Japanese, with other enthusiasts and improve our fluency.


©2021 Japanese With Robin.

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